Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Father Heart of God Children of God

Question: Discuss about theThe Father Heart of God forChildren of God. Answer: Introduction: The Key Themes of the Book "The Father Heart of God" The book has several different types of themes all of them are important, but for me the most important four theme are 1) God have father heart filled with love, 2) God have heart of forgiveness, 3)God have heart of compassion, 4) God have father heart of mercy (al-TafÄ hum., 1957). These four themes of the book touch me most distinctly. In this book, the author Floyd McClung has tried to recognize the fatherhood of God. The God is the father of all creatures, and God loves his children as any father love. According to the author of the book, God has fatherly affection towards the entire living world all these are created by God (Anon, 2016). The Father heart of God has all the qualities that a father has. We all are children of God. God expresses his heart of love for his children of Israel. It provokes me that our Father is almighty God and who have adequate love and affection for me (Clerc and Leach, 2010). The God have the heart of forgiveness, means God forgive his childr en, while the children have done any wrong doing. For the wrong doing God forgive his children as the fathers use to forgive their children and any misdoing or wrongdoing (, 2016). For example, there are several people in the world, who do not believe in God and by their behavior hurt God. However, the God forgive the people, who are his children. There are people, who insult God, but God always forgives them as any father forgives his children at the time when they misbehave with him (Human, 2005). The forgiveness is one of the most common types of fatherly quality, which is adopted by God and as we are all the children of God the Father love us and forgive us for our wrongdoings. Besides this, it is also perceived that the father has the heart of compassion (McFarland, 2016). The God has sympathy to all his children, and when any of us fall in any misfortune, the God shows his compassion to him. In this way, the God has the same property like any father. The father always compassionate to his children and in any misfortune the father shows sympathy to his children (Putt, 2009). The God has the heart of a father and like any father God loves his children and equally affectionate to his children. Like any father the God forgive his children for any misdoing or wrongdoing (Harris, 2013). The God is compassionate to his children. Beside this, the God have a heart of mercy, like all the father God bear all the pain and provide mercy to us. Like Jesus Christ the Son of God who mercy his killer, who killed him brutally. All these provoke me and the God indeed have the heart of a father. Analysis The chapter The Father Heart of God determines the significance of Fatherhood that includes all the aspect of God including the motherly quality of God. Therefore, the subject shows the heart of God that includes the qualities of both feminine and masculine. It is a wonderful experience and happiest moment when a Father loves his children (Human, 2005). The author explains this as God expresses his love over his children. The author states that when a person is dead in his sins and uncircumcision of his sinful nature, then God made him alive with the Christ. God forgave all the sins and canceled all the written code with the regulations. The statement states that God wants to forgive each person. The author says that he fully received the forgiveness of his Father. The God is righteous, gracious and full of compassion, abounding in faithfulness and slow to anger. Father also give us love, faith and gracious in difficult times as explained by the author (Miller, 2011). The God is rich in mercy and mad us alive which means we should be grateful to him. The reflection of love, faith and mercy can be seen in the chapter. The explanation of author shows the real facts and the real world. One can understand from the chapter about the role of God and a Father in the life of a person. The heart of God is the heart of race, and he can make all the grace that is bound to them. In God, we had the redemption through blood, forgiveness of the blood and lavished all the understating and wisdom (Ruether, 2005). The heart of a Father is also like God that gives us everlasting love, kindness, and forgiveness. God expresses all his compassion like a Father does. The heart of mercy also explains the role of Father and God. In this chapter, the author explains the heart of mercy that explains that God shows mercy on their children. The person who is rich in wealth should not be arrogant rather than should put all their hope in the God, who gives us everything for enjoyment. God is the one who provides us all the comforts and provides us with everything (Sweet, 2006). The author has explained all his views and expression clearly about the heart of God and compared it with the heart of Father. God will judge the world and shows the right path as well as governing people with right justice. Therefore, God does the right things and forgive all the sins and also heals all the diseases. God wants to heal all the people and enabling them to enjoy with peace and security. In the following chapter, the authors explain the God's mercy, grace, love, and faithfulness towards its children. God gives us the right direction and shows what is right and wrong. Father also provides us the right path and shows what is wrong and right in life (Tracey, 2015). Reflection The book "THE FATHER HEART OF GOD" determines the fatherhood and also this nature of father is indicated as the heart of God. The nature and the duties of the father towards the father are to feed them with the daily bread. The nature of the father also helps in forgiving the trespassing of the trespassers against the family. It, therefore, leads to the temptation and henceforth it also lead to separation of the evils. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit also helps in recognizing the values that are created in the part of the father are thereby a part of the4 god's messenger, and thus they take care and protect us from all the evil deeds. This book also shows the importance and the major roles of defending their family from all the evils and henceforth the sin of the family can be made out with the creation of the love in them. With the creation of the reflection of the book, there are many things that are focused on me while going through the book. The first thing is the greatest challenge for me is to face them being the true ambassador of God. The second thing is that the struggle that will be faced by me will thereby provide poor testimony and the third thing is the specific actions that specific actions for calling me as the ambassador of the god and thus it also helps me to represent the heart of mine to the world. Thus the three reflections also help in the creation of the Father heart of loving the earth and thus the book also represents the proximity and henceforth the intimacy is also created by understanding the solutions, and thus it also helps in the intimacy of understanding the father heart. Later on while proceeding with the book, there are some more receiving of the father's love and thus the basic cry of the world also helps in the creation of the proximity and thus the imagination of the understanding of the father's heart seems to creating a special level of the imagination for the creation of understanding for the father's heart. The mission can also be accomplished by the enhancement of the solutions for the ambassadors and thus it helps me to have the ability to create differentiation between the god and the father. According to me the power of the Holy Spirit is seen in the part of the god that declaring the Holy Spirit and also it helps in receiving the assistance with providing the god love in the form of the father. The faithfulness is also created in the form of the father that also helps in providing the god's love in the form of the father. Thus the God is represented as the Spirit of expressing the spiritual truths as with the acceptance of the comparison of the spiritual faithfulness. Thus the reflection provided is according to the judgment of mine and henceforth "THE FATHER HEART OF GOD" is judged true to each and every extent. References Human, D. (2005). God accepts a broken spirit and a contrite heart - Thoughts on penitence, forgiveness and reconciliation in Psalm 51.VE, 26(1). Miller, R. (2011). The Heart of Light: God as Mystery.New Blackfriars, 92(1039), pp.358-376. Ruether, R. (2005). Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World: A Christian View.Buddhist-Christian Studies, 25(1), pp.29-40. Sweet, M. (2006). Jesus the World Protector: Eighteenth-Century Gelukpa Historians View "Christianity".Buddhist-Christian Studies, 26(1), pp.173-178. Tracey, L. (2015). Journey into the Heart of God: Living the Liturgical Year.Irish Theological Quarterly, 80(4), pp.366-367. al-TafÄ hum., Äâ‚ ¬. (1957). "SEEK FORGIVENESS OF GOD".Muslim World, The, 47(3), pp.239-247. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2016]. Clerc, O. and Leach, N. (2010).The gift of forgiveness. Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Press. Harris, M. (2013). God the Father in Vattimo's Interpretation of Christianity.Hey J, 54(5), pp.891-903. Human, D. (2005). God accepts a broken spirit and a contrite heart - Thoughts on penitence, forgiveness and reconciliation in Psalm 51.VE, 26(1). McFarland, I. (2016). God, the Father Almighty: ATheological Excursus.International Journal of Systematic Theology, 18(3), pp.259-273. Putt, B. (2009). Reconciling Pure Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Bringing John Caputo Into the Kingdom of God.CrossCurrents, 59(4), pp.500-531. (2016).Father Heart of God by Floyd McClung PDF Kindle Download - Gustavsvsa. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2016].

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