Sunday, December 29, 2019

Marlow Vs. Willard Essay - 1083 Words

Marlow vs. Willard Charles Marlow and Captain Willard have many characteristics that would make them alike and different. Marlow, from the novel Heart of Darkness, was a man who was on a mission through Cambodia to find Kurtz. Captain Willard, from the movie â€Å"Apocalypse Now†, was a man on a mission to exterminate a fellow member of the United States Armed Forces, Kurtz. â€Å"Apocalypse Now† is a Vietnam parallel of the novel Heart of Darkness. While both these men were on a search for a man, they both went through many difficult hardships on the way. Both of the men had different backgrounds before they began their journey. Marlow was an experienced sailor, while Willard was an experienced warrior. Willard was a man who went to hell†¦show more content†¦While he wanted to meet this man, he knew that he would only decide to kill him when he met this man. Willard knew that he would only be able to do what was wanted of him only if this man in his mind was as insane as the military thought. Marlow’s intentions were decided before he even met Kurtz. They both had jobs and were expected to do them, but were they going to? Willard and Marlow both wanted their individual missions. With the help of Marlow’s aunt, Marlow was able to get the job as captain of the French steamer. Willard was just in Saigon waiting for a mission. He would take anything that the government would throw at him. Both of them were experts at what they do. While Marlow was an experienced sailor, Willard was an experienced killer. Both men are dedicated to their work. Whether it be killing or sailing both men are dedicated. With the insanity surrounding both men, it was a wonder that they made it through their journeys. Through out their missions each man hears different items on Kurtz. The minds of Marlow and Willard are both influenced by different people. Marlow hears from the accountant, the manager, the brickmaker, and finally from the Russian all about this unique individual Kurtz. While Willard found out about Kurtz by receiving different packages throughout the journey down the river. What fascinated both Willard and Marlow was the fact that both Kurtz’s had big backgrounds and were extremelyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Heart Of Darkness 706 Words   |  3 PagesTia Covert Ms. Johnson English 202 17 October 2015 Marlow vs. Willard The stories in the book Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad and the movie Apocalypse Now directed by Francis Ford Coppola are very similar. The main characters in both are similar, but do have their differences, like who they were before they took the job, the settings they were put in, . Before we can compare the characters, we have to compare the stories first. Apocalypse Now was inspired by the story Heart of Darkness.Read MoreIn Search of the Unknown: Apocalypse Now1584 Words   |  6 Pagespieces sharing differences and similarities, the audiences are able to get a richer understanding of Conrad’s novella. Marlow tells his story that marked his life of his journey through the Congo River, which makes the main scenario be the Congo River in Africa. The protagonist describes the setting as a place with trees, fog, jungle, and darkness. We have to acknowledge that Marlow is revealing the story on the Thames in England which, similar to the Congo River, is also a river. Comrade attemptsRead MoreComparative Essay1096 Words   |  5 Pages Literature Comparative analysis: â€Å"Heart of Darkness† â€Å"Apocalypse Now† Student: Mora Vandenbroele Teacher: Azucena Estigarribia Year: 11th â€Å"A† â€Å"Heart of Darkness† vs. â€Å"Apocalypse Now† It is very interesting how humans are so intrigued about the evilness in the world, and the dedication of some men to compare Hell with the Earthly horror. Joseph Conrad, a genius writer, took his time to show this with his masterpieceRead More Transformation in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now Essay1685 Words   |  7 Pagesparticular message to convey. In many ways they also appear to have similarities to Arthurian Legend, in particular the quest for the holy grail, and other allegorical journey narratives. The sum of the experiences of the protagonists, Marlow in Heart of Darkness and Willard in Apocalypse Now, reveal to them how the horrors and effects of war or conquest, can lead some people to madness, while other persons may discover the light and find absolute truth.    Traveling on a river is often used asRead MoreJoseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness And Francis Ford Coppola s Film Apocalypse1785 Words   |  8 Pagesdecades. Similar depictions of evil are even associated with creatures and supernatural powers in religious texts from various cultures around the world. However, evil is arbitrary, not supernatural. Today s culture has popularized the idea of good vs evil but the concept is far more complex than simply drawing a battle line between two individuals or groups looking to overcome the other in the name of good or evil. Man in general is quite capable of carrying out every kind of evil, no matter how

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Impact Of Immigration On The United States - 1301 Words

Blackwell, Wiley. â€Å"The US Council of Economic Advisers on Immigration s Economic Impact. Population and Development Review, 33. 3, (2007), 641. Web. Feb. 2017. Immigration remains the subject of significant public and political debate in the United States. In May and June of 2007, a lot of public attention was concentrated on a debate in the U.S congress on legislation. The bill in front of the senate formally named the â€Å"Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007,† was controversial This Act would open the path toward citizenship of estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the US, the proposed law supported by the Bush Administration, never came to a vote. On June 28, the proposal to close the debate†¦show more content†¦The report reveals that immigration has feed U.S microeconomic growth...more workers yield more total output. The report does not raise the question of whether that would be desirable, or what economic losses would arise from a lower level of immigration incursion. Evaluating the effect of immigration on the income of natives, the report attributes a positive point statin g that immigrants change the size of labor force with skilled and unskilled labor which produces a positive burst in the economy. Immigration increases and complements the workforce exceptionally well because the US economy is creating more jobs that can be filled by workers born in the United States. The report reflects that in the 1990s, half of the growth of the US labor force came from immigrants, but does not prove how was done. The author needs to provide specific evidence on how immigration has changed over time because we are in a different era and immigration has clearly changed by offering the United States unique benefits that enable the U.S to be a more productive, competitive and successful country in the 21st century. The reports conclude that immigrants increase the economy s output, and natives share part of that increase because of complementarities in production. Reducing immigration would be an inefficient way to assist low-wage Americans. Evaluating the fiscal benefits and costs ofShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Immigration On The United States1017 Words   |  5 Pagespassed during that time that affected immigrants. America’s view at this time reflected that of strong Nativism. Several anti-immigration groups had their fair share of influence in political affairs that had a negative affect on certain groups. This paper will outline the events that led to three pieces of legislation. This paper will also highlight the impact on immigration and how the chosen pieces of legislation contributed to future legislation (if at all). The first piece of legislation highlightedRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1415 Words   |  6 PagesRecent immigration has not only increased since the end of World War 2, but also gained momentum, reaching numbers in the 1990s. The national origin of US immigrants also changed sharply over the past fifty years. Before 1960, the vast majority came from European countries or Canada. Even as late as the 1950s, more than two-thirds of all arrivals were from these countries. During 1960s, however, when family reunification criteria rather than national origin quotas became the basis for allocatingRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States971 Words   |  4 Pagesimmigrants in the United States? What is the impact of immigrants in the United States economic system? How can we define the history of immigration in the United States? According to Nancy Kleniewski, â€Å"It has often been said that the United States is a nation of immigrants. Immigration has been a long-term trend, but both the locations where immigrants settle and the places from which they come have changed over the years† (Kleniewski, 169). For a very long time in the United States, there seemsRead MoreImpact Of Immigration On The United States1283 Words   |  6 Pagescreate a safer border environment by facing the multiple Issues and Challenges, like illegal Immigration, Drug Enforcement, and cross-border Transportation, and Technological improvements by Homeland security influence the agents, trying to cease these issues. A vast complication that the United States goes through is the huge illegal immigration. Each year thousands of illegal immigrants enter the United States across the U.S.-Mexican border. The result is that the congress has mandated increased effortsRead MoreImpact Of Immigration On The United States Essay1434 Words   |  6 Pagesharm. Major impacts of immigration can be observed in several forms of a countries economic system such as employment opportunities for both immigrated workers as well as current citizens along with unemployment rates, wages, profit margins, the ability of local and international business’ to grow and the overall GDP of the specific country. For this paper specifically the developed country that will be analysed will be Australia. Considered to be one of the worlds â€Å"major immigration nations† (togetherRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1279 Words   |  6 Pagescreate a safer border environment by facing the multiple Issues and Challenges, like illegal Immigration, Drug Enforcement, and cross-border Trans portation, and Technological improvements by Homeland security influence the agents, trying to cease these issues. A vast complication that the United States goes through is the huge illegal immigration. Each year thousands of illegal immigrants enter the United States across the U.S.-Mexican border. The result is that the congress has mandated increased effortsRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1469 Words   |  6 Pagescontaining several scholarly articles such as JSTOR and GALE. Two sources that will be used to preforme OPVL are a personal interbore from a man who worked in downtown Houston during the 1990’s, and an article published examining the influx of immigration into Texas during the 1990’s Summary of Evidence- During the 1990’s there was an influx in foreign born population. In Texas the native born population was approximately 15,462,074 people. The foreign born population was 1,524,436 meaning thatRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On United States1989 Words   |  8 PagesThe Impact of Immigration on United States (U.S.) Economy Introduction In recent times, migration has been a major point of discussion at different international fora. According to the United Nations (UN), more than 175 million people, about three percent of world’s population, live and work permanently outside their countries of birth (UN, 2002). The changing faces of European migration, at the beginning of the new millennium is different from those of fifty years ago. Also, in the late 19th andRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1925 Words   |  8 PagesImmigration is a very broad topic, a topic that has been highly discussed in the past. However, what is the reason that most people think people migrate from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, or Guatemala? Most would say it is because of job opportunities that will better their families. Some say it is because of the higher rate of freedom in the United States. However, not many people look at the hard environments back in the homelands of the immigrants. Maybe a big reason for crossing the borderRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1692 Words   |  7 PagesImmigration has radically changed a religion picture in the United States. At the present time people with their unique culture, specific habits and traditions participate in our society. America is their home as well as ours. To live in peace together we have to understand, communicate and integrate with each other. But sometimes unforeseen events happen and crash the whole global hope for productive cooperation. On September 11, 2001, the tragedy in the USA shocked the whole world. It was the message

Friday, December 13, 2019

Prevention Of Pressure Ulcer Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Pressure ulcers, or bed sores, or have been impacting worlds for ages, and turn toing the overall bar of force per unit area ulcers is now a outstanding national health care issue. Despite of all the progresss in medical specialty, surgery, nursing attention, force per unit area ulcers still remains a major cause of mortality. Pressure sore is a common job among old people and those who are immobilise or limited activity like post-operative and other bedfast patients. We will write a custom essay sample on Prevention Of Pressure Ulcer Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now ( Bergstorm, 2005 ) Many surveies province that aged are prone for force per unit area ulcer throughout the universe and its going a important issue ( Nakagami et al. , 2007 ) . Pressure ulcer can be defined as a type of hurt that affects countries of the tegument or implicit in tissue of the organic structure due to application of excessively much force per unit area on it. ( Grey et al 2006 ) It develops as a consequence of tissue mortification of the tegument over the bony prominence, due to the obstructor of the blood vass flow caused by the application continual force per unit area on it. ( Lyder, 2003 ) The entire outgo for the bar of force per unit area ulcer is well less when compared to its intervention ( Lapsley H M and Vogels R, 1996 ) . It can do terrible frailty and high health-care outgo. The estimated one-year disbursal for the bar and intervention of force per unit area ulcers has been expected about ?1.4 to ?2.1 billion in the United Kingdom and is measured as a monolithic economic job ( Bennet et al. , 2004 ) . After malignant neoplastic disease and cardio vascular disease, force per unit area ulcers are the 3rd most money devouring disease ( Schoonhoven et al. , 2002 ) Harmonizing to European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel ( EPUAP ) the happening rates of force per unit area ulcers are runing from 8-23 % . In acute attention infirmaries in the western states the reported prevalence has wide-ranging between 9-22 % . Bettering the criterion of force per unit area ulcer attention could ini ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uence the estimated one-year outgo and quality of life ( Tannen A et al. , 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Whittington et Al ( 2000 ) the prevalence of 15 % of force per unit area ulcers are recorded on admittance, whereas for the 60 % of the persons there was no specific information about the presence or absence of the force per unit area ulcers. In another survey, it is clear that 12.8 % have already had the frailty on their admittance. Harmonizing to Rycroft-Malone, ( 2000 ) A force per unit area ulcers can develop at any country of the organic structure, but normally occurs over cadaverous prominences. ( Murdoch, 2002 ; Jones, 2001 ) The countries can supposed to develop force per unit area sores are sacrum, heels, cubituss and dorsum of the caput. The visual aspect of force per unit area sore is really fast and therefore the early appraisal and stairss to forestall is really necessary ( George and Malkenson, 2008 ) . Pressure strength and continuance are the two chief factors for the force per unit area ulcer formation because of force per unit area. Pressure strength is the volume of external force per unit area applied on internal tissues whereas continuance is the sum of external force is sustained by internal tissues ( Cullum et al. , 2000 ) Harmonizing to NICE guidelines ( 2003 ) the hazard factors act uponing to develop force per unit area ulcer in an single includes intrinsic hazard factors and extrinsic hazard factors. The intrinsic hazard factors such as decreased mobility or stationariness, centripetal damage, acute unwellness, degree of consciousness, extremes of age, vascular disease, terrible chronic or terminal unwellness, old history of force per unit area harm, malnutrition and desiccation. And extrinsic hazard factors are force per unit area, shear, and clash. Shear is defined as the applied force that can do an opposite, parallel skiding gesture in the planes of an object. The sum of force per unit area exerted has got a direct affect on Shear. ( Pieper B, 2007, Nix DP, 2007 ) . Clash is defined as a superficial, mechanical force directed against the cuticle, ensuing in increased susceptibleness to ulceration ( Pieper B. , 2007 ) . Pressure ulcers are classified harmonizing to different phases as defined by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel ( NPUAP ) . Originally there were merely four phases, but in February 2007 these phases were revised and two more classs such as deep tissue hurt and unstageable were added to it. Phase IA -Redness of a localised country, normally over a cadaverous prominence. Darkly pigmented tegument may non hold seeable blanching ; as its coloring material may differ from the environing country. Phase IIA – loss of partial thickness corium demoing as a shallow unfastened ulcer with a ruddy or tap lesion bed, without any gangrene. It may besides show as or open or ruptured serum filled blisters. Phase IIIA – The bed of hypodermic fatA may be seen but bone, musculus or sinews are non exposed. Slough may be present but does non cover the deepness of tissue loss. Phase IVA – exposure of bone, sinew or musculus. Slough or may be present on some parts of the lesion bed. UnstageableA – Loss of the thickness of the tegument in which in which the base of the ulcer is covered by gangrene ( xanthous, tan, grey, green or brown ) in the lesion bed. Deep tissue InjuryA – Purple or maroon localised country of discolored tegument or blood-filled blister due to damage of implicit in soft tissue due to force per unit area. The country may be preceded by tissue that is house, painful, and mushy compared to next tissue. ( NPUAP 2007 ) To forestall the formation of force per unit area sores nurses are following a assortment of steps such as hazard appraisal and hazard appraisal tools, altering the place of the bedfast patients on a regular basis, inspecting the force per unit area country on a regular basis and while making personal attention, using unctions or picks over the force per unit area countries, supplying comfy mattresses such as air bed, H2O mattress for the bedridden and immobilise patients, puting pillows under the topographic points prone to organize force per unit area ulcer for the vulnerable peoples, maximise nutritionary position, etc. However the efficiency of all these methods is in treatment and statement. This essay study will collate all the assorted available literatures sing the bar of force per unit area ulcer and suggest the better and good pattern to forestall the formation of force per unit area sore among the high hazard people. The criterion of nursing attention is really of import for the bar and direction of force per unit area ulcers. The lovingness of patients, who are at hazard with force per unit area ulcer, is the chief challenge for nurses ( Sinclair et al. , 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Lewis M et Al 2003 the first measure nurses should do out is the hazard appraisal of patients and it is better to place the patient at hazard in the early phases, so we can forestall the force per unit area sores. It consists of degree of mobility, nutritionary position, degree of consciousness and neurological position, incontinency, centripetal damage, complete patient history, and physical and psychosocial scrutiny measuring mental position and cognitive ability. To back up health professionals there are assessment graduated tables to place the patients at hazard. Harmonizing to Walker D K et Al 2010 tegument attention and wet are indispensable to forestall force per unit area sore. Keeping skin unity is of import for the patient`s at hazard. Furthermore inordinate of wet and waterlessness can breakdown the skin`s opposition. Wherever wet is present, it is of import to clean the part exhaustively. Patients identified at hazard should be bathed one time a twenty-four hours. PH balanced cleansing agent is used to protect the tegument from wet and waterlessness, it is a natural protection mechanism of a tegument. When cleansing the skin day-to-day or in the presence of wet, it is necessary non to utilize utmost force or clash. Eventhough wet can non be controlled, usage skin barriers to protect tegument from wet. Dry tegument besides needs to be prevented by utilizing a pH-balanced moisturizer. The surveies conducted by saleh et Al, ( 2008 ) and Lindergren et al. , ( 2002 ) evidenced that usage of hazard appraisal graduated table is successful in foretelling the formation of force per unit area sore ( Decubitus Ulcer ) .The surveies substantiated the function of hazard appraisal graduated tables and their utility in the bar and direction of force per unit area sores. Harmonizing to Lindergren et al. , 2002 states the dependability of hazard rating graduated table in the anticipation of force per unit area sore formation. However, the alteration conducted by saleh et Al. ( 2008 ) , argues about the decrease in the happening of clinical acquired force per unit area tonss through the regular application of hazard appraisal graduated tables. Their acquisition besides states that opinion of clinical appraisal is besides same valuable as associate with the sensing of force per unit area sore through hazard appraisal graduated table. In add-on, Defloor and Grypdonck, ( 2004 ) besides stated that appraisal tools have a critical function for the bar of force per unit area sore. There are many restrictions for the hazard appraisal tools which may take to supply incorrect positive consequences. The dependability, specificity and feeling of the graduated table are influenced by the preventative method applications. Nurses are utilizing a assortment of hazard appraisal tools based on practical experience they acquired. The hazard appraisal tools are assessed by agencies of numerical tonss. The variables like degree of continency, medicines and nutritionary position will give an mean mark for the hazard patients ( Whitening, N. L. , 2009 ) . Braden graduated table is the universally used hazard appraisal graduated table which includes the variables like centripetal perceptual experience, activity, mobility, wet and the nutritionary position. The hazard appraisal graduated table works in such a manner that every bit shor tly as the patient admitted in the infirmary two measure rating is carried out within the first six hours. The two stairss include the skin appraisal and the hazard appraisal to place the possibility of formation of force per unit area sore ( O ‘ Neil, 2004 ) . Frequent rating and appraisal should be done in every consequent rating at every 12 hours on patients who are at high hazard.In the same manner patients who are at low hazard besides needs to be evaluate often to detect or to place any new hazard factors and supplying suited preventative steps ( O ‘ Neil, 2004 ) . The most normally used tool measuring the force per unit area sore in U.K is the Waterlow force per unit area ulcer hazard appraisal tool. And it is user friendly and recommended by the nurses in U.K. Pancorbo-hidalgo et Al. ( 2006 ) , suggests that the Waterlow force per unit area ulcer hazard appraisal tool has good force per unit area sore thinking ability and sensitiveness which may ensue to acquire incorrect positive consequences. With the waterlow force per unit area ulcer hazard assessment tool among the seven assessment surveies conducted by pancorbo-hidalgo, P.L. et Al. ( 2006 ) they got merely few findings with corrects values. Bergstorm et Al. ( 2001 ) agrees that hazard appraisal is done by graduated tables like Braden graduated table or the Norton graduated table in the infirmaries which is more dependable. However there is no universally accepted hazard appraisal tool to be adopted to forestall force per unit area sore. Besides this, the use of the hazard appraisal tools has their ain bounds in clinical systems. Alternatively, Saleh et Al. ( 2008 ) argues that medical opinion is successful as hazard appraisal tools to find the suited to be delivered. Nevertheless, Pancorbo-Hidalgo et Al, ( 2006 ) Braden and Norton graduated tables were noticed to be good once more at hazard computation than the scientific opinions. On the other manus, harmonizing to NICE guidelines ( 2003 ) hazard appraisal tools can merely be used as an aide-memoire and should non replace clinical judgement. Normal supply of O and foods are indispensable for the tissues, to keep wellness. ( Gottrup 2004 ) . When patients sitting or lying, the force per unit area signifier peculiar portion of the organic structure consequences in the lessening of O causes force per unit area sore ( Defloor 2005 ) . The survey conducted by Kaitani et al. , 2010, Vanderwee et al. , 2007 and Pearson et al. , 2010 reveals the importance of altering the place for the bed ridden or immobilise patient in forestalling force per unit area sore happening. Their surveies evidenced the effectivity of shifting in regular intervals among the vulnerable patients. Repositioning is considered as an effectual control method against force per unit area sores ( decubitus ulcer ) . Harmonizing to Vanderwee et al. , ( 2007 ) the effectivity of force of force per unit area greater in sideway place. He besides suggested that supine place is the comfy place to cut down the consequence of force per unit area on the bony prominence . The experiment conducted by Vanderwee et Al. ( 2007 reveals that more regular repositioning does non really diminish the happening of force per unit area sore. But he recognizes that turning of patients is an effective preventative method. The incidence of force per unit area ulcer is more in patients who are lying down in side manner place. The hazard has been reduced when the patients are lying down in supine place. On the other manus the survey conducted by Peterson et Al. ( 2010 ) argues that the effectivity of shifting is less or non dependable even though it is done by any experient nurse. And he found that after keeping an appropriate force per unit area below 33 millimeter of Hg cut down the incidence of force per unit area ulcer. He states that by making this there is still opportunity of happening force per unit area sore in the hazard countries. While turning the patient they are non droping the all countries prone to coerce consequence with the tegument. Even though the standard methods for forestalling force per unit area sores are maintained the tegument dislocation go oning as the hazard countries are non relieved from force per unit area. The survey conducted by Kaitani et Al. ( 2010 ) evidenced that patients enduring from force per unit area sore have done merely a fewer alteration of placement and turning. In their surveies they states that they did n’t noticed any patient s with force per unit area sore who has been changed their place often in a regular intervals. From the findings of Hobbs ( 2004 ) besides reveals that there is no diminution of incidence in force per unit area sore in the infirmary due to the everyday repositioning on older people. Similarly Peterson et al 2010 found that still the incidence of force per unit area ulcer are increasing in the clinical scenes where standard turning of patients has already been done. In EPUAP guidelines ( 2009 ) , suggests that shifting is an effectual method which will diminish the extent and happening of force per unit area over susceptible points like sacrum, heels, cubituss and dorsum of the caput bony prominences. However, there was no research survey conducted by any research workers to cipher the clip spread needed to turn the patient that means there is no grounds of turning intervals from any old surveies or researches. It is really of import to inspect the support surface while making shifting. Patient must be repositioned in regularity after inspecting the tissue viability, call uping degree, medical status and rating of skin unity. It is besides subjected by the supportive surface So shifting can cut down the incidence of force per unit area sore to an extent. In infirmaries and wellness attention places it is suggested that shifting to be done in every 4 hours and by the usage of air mattress the incidence of the happening of force per unit area sore can be prevented. Many of the patient ‘s feels really discomfort while turning often, to avoid frequent turning force per unit area cut downing support surfaces can be used to alleviate force per unit area. Importantly force per unit area alleviating support surface devices has critical function in the bar of force per unit area. Harmonizing to Cullum et al. , 2001 it is divided into two, low tech devices and high tech devices. Low tech devices are soothing support surface to distribute the organic structure weight over an country whereas high devices are jumping support surface where inflatable cells consecutively inflate and deflate. Harmonizing to Lewis M, et Al ( 2003 ) if the patients holding a moderate to high possibility of developing force per unit area sore, dynamic support surfaces include a big cell jumping force per unit area mattress, a low air loss or air fluidized bed, or other force per unit area redistributing systems can be recommended. In a survey conducted by Nixon et Al ( 2006 ) found that in operating tabular arraies, specialized froth mattress sheathings are effectual to cut down the incidence of postoperative force per unit area sores while in other scenes, specialized froth and sheathings were the lone surfaces that were invariably better to standard infirmary mattresses in cut downing incidence of force per unit area ulcers. To diminish the contact between bony prominences and support surfaces, pillows and froths are used. In add-on to that for cut downing the clash and shearing harm, raising devices such as slide sheets, slings or arms can be used to travel the patients. On the other manus, it is ill-defined about the grounds for the advantages of higher-specification changeless low-pressure and alternating-pressure support surfaces for forestalling force per unit area sores. However, there is clinical grounds of a difference in hazard of developing force per unit area ulcers when utilizing high-specification froth mattresses, compared to standard infirmary mattresses. ( Nice 2005 ) Decisions for force per unit area alleviating device should find at hazard appraisal. It must include degree of hazard, comfort, patient`s penchants, general wellness and timing of the surgery. . The surveies conducted by Holm et Al. ( 2007 ) and Ferguson et Al. ( 2000 ) evidenced the significance of nutrition in force per unit area ulcer bar. This survey suggests that older people are largely affected due to coerce ulcer. This is because of their less skin unity and low nutritionary position. The nutritionary position of the aged people is normally related with the degree of consumption of nutrient and fluids along with assorted nursing intercession methods ( Holm et al. , 2007 ) . Management of force per unit area sore and its intervention closely related with the clients nutritionary position. The people with less nutritionary position have a high hazard of happening of force per unit area ulcer. The nutritionary position of the patient has to be assessed by the nurse ab initio. Adequate measure of proteins, Calories, minerals, vitamins and fluids are necessary to keep the tegument unity and lesion healing publicity ( Ferguson et al. , 2000 ) . The promotion and direction of force per unit area sore extremely influenced by their nutritionary position. For making an successful preventative steps it is indispensable to carried out with proper nutritionary rating techniques and planning ( Ferguson et al. , 2000 ) .pressure sore and nutritionary position are closely related to each other and are straight relative to each other.patients who are with less nutritionary position or malnourished are likely to be more prone to develop force per unit area sore ( Thomas, 1997 ) .To cut down the incidence both dietitians and nurses should work jointly. To measure the nutritionary position of the patient and the degree of undernourishment and proper planning and intercessions to be done to better the position if unequal ( Ferguson et al. , 2000 ) .According to EPUAP ( 2009 ) recommendation every wellness attention system should make testing and rating trials of the nutritionary degree of the vulnerable people who are at hazard of force per unit area sore. Pressure sore in bulk instances are preventable and governable. A targeted control step is far better than indicating on handling antecedently recognized force per unit area sores. Preventive steps to fraudulences ( force per unit area ) sore saves clip and money. By making an effectual preventative techniques can besides understate the loss of energy and decrease in the work burden over the wellness attention bringing force ‘s and staffs chiefly nurses. Bergstrom N. , Braden B. , Kemp M. , Champagne M. A ; Ruby E. ( 1998 ) Predicting Pressure ulcer hazard. A multisite survey of the prognostic cogency of the Braden graduated table. Nursing Research. 47 ( 5 ) , p.261-26 Bergstrom N, Braden B. A prospective survey of force per unit area sore hazard among institutionalised elderly. J Am Geriatric S Bennett G, Dealey C, Posnett J. The cost of force per unit area ulcers in the UK. Age Ageing 2004 ; 33:230-5 Cullum N, Nelson EA, Nixon J ( 2000 ) Pressure sores. Clinical Evidence: 979-98 Defloor, T. and Grypdonck, M. F. ( 2004 ) Validation of force per unit area ulcer hazard appraisal graduated tables: a review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 48 ( 6 ) , p. 613-621. Defloor T, De Bacquer D, Grypdonck MH. The consequence of assorted combinations of turning and force per unit area cut downing devices on the incidence of force per unit area ulcers. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2005 ; 42 ( 1 ) :37-46. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel ( 2009 ) force per unit area Ulcer Prevention Quick Reference Guide. NPtJAP, Washington DC. Ferguson, M. , Cook, A. , Rimmasch, H. , Bender, S. and Voss, A. ( 2000 ) Pressure ulcer direction: the importance of nutrition. MEDSURG Nursing, 9 ( 4 ) . Gottrup F. ( 2004 ) Oxygen in lesion healing and infection. World Journal of Surgery ; 28 ( 3 ) :312-5. Gray, J.E.Enoch, S.Harding, K.G. ( 2006 ) ABC of wound healing.Pressure ulcers.British medical journal.332.p.472-476 Holm, B. , Mesh, L. , and Ove, H. ( 2007 ) . Importance of nutrition for aged individuals with force per unit area ulcers or a exposure of force per unit area ulcers: a systematic reappraisal. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 25 ( 1 ) , p. 77-84. Jones I, Tweed C, Marron M ( 2001 ) A Pressure country attention in babies and kids: Nimbus Paediatric System.A Br J NursA 10 ( 12 ) : 789-95. Kaitani, T. , Tokunaga, K. , Matsui, N. and Sanada, H. ( 2010 ) . Hazard factors related to the development of force per unit area ulcers in the critical attention scenes. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 414-421. Lewis, M. , Pearson, A. , Ward, C. ( 2003 ) Pressure ulcer bar and intervention: Transforming research findings into consensus based clinical guidelines. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 9, p.92-102. Lindgren, M. , Unosson, M. and Krantz, A. M. ( 2002 ) A hazard appraisal graduated table for the anticipation of force per unit area sore development: dependability and cogency. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 38, p.190-199. Lyder, C. , Yu C, Stevenson, D. , Mangat, R. , Empleo- Frazier, O. , Emerling, J. and McKay J. Validating the Braden Scale for the anticipation of force per unit area ulcer hazard in inkinesss and Latino/Hispanic seniors: a pilot survey ( 1998 ) . Ostomy Wound Manage. 44 ( 3A ) p.42S-49S. 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Retrieved 4/13/2007, fromA hypertext transfer protocol: // Pancorbo-Hidalgo, P. L. , Garcia-Fernandez, F. P. , Lopez-Medina, I. M. and Alvarez- Nieto, C. ( 2006 ) Risk appraisal graduated tables for force per unit area ulcer bar: a systematic reappraisal. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 54, p. 94-110. Peterson, J. M. , Schwab, W. , Oostrom, V. H. J. , Gravenstein, N.and Caruso, J. L. ( 2010 ) . Consequence of turning on skin-bed interface in healthy grownups. Journal of advanced Nursing, 66 ( 7 ) , p. 1556-1564. Pieper B. Mechanical forces: force per unit area, shear, and clash. In: Bryant R, Nix D, eds. Acute A ; Chronic Wounds: Current Management Concepts. 3rd erectile dysfunction. St Louis, MO: Mosby ; 2007:205-234. Rycroft-Malone J and McInnes EA ( 2000 ) Pressure ulcer hazard appraisal and prevention-technical study London, A Royal College of Nursing Saleh, M. , Anthony, D. and Parboteeah, S. ( 2009 ) . 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Vanderwee, K. , Grypdonck, M. and Defloor, T. ( 2007 ) Non-blanchable erythema as an index for the demand for force per unit area ulcer bar: a randomized-controlled test Journal of Clinical Nursing.16, p.325-335. Walker D K, Sell S V, Kindred C. ( 2010 ) Pressure Ulcer Prevention Utilizing Unlicensed Assistive Personnel Crit Care Nurs Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 348-355 Whitening, N.L. ( 2009 ) Skin appraisal of patients at hazard of force per unit area ulcers. Nursing Standard. 24 ( 10 ) , p.40-44. Whittington, K. , Patrick, M. , Roberts, J, L. ( 2000 ) A national survey of force per unit area ulcer prevalence and incidence in ague attention infirmaries. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence, 27, p. 209-215. How to cite Prevention Of Pressure Ulcer Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Father Heart of God Children of God

Question: Discuss about theThe Father Heart of God forChildren of God. Answer: Introduction: The Key Themes of the Book "The Father Heart of God" The book has several different types of themes all of them are important, but for me the most important four theme are 1) God have father heart filled with love, 2) God have heart of forgiveness, 3)God have heart of compassion, 4) God have father heart of mercy (al-TafÄ hum., 1957). These four themes of the book touch me most distinctly. In this book, the author Floyd McClung has tried to recognize the fatherhood of God. The God is the father of all creatures, and God loves his children as any father love. According to the author of the book, God has fatherly affection towards the entire living world all these are created by God (Anon, 2016). The Father heart of God has all the qualities that a father has. We all are children of God. God expresses his heart of love for his children of Israel. It provokes me that our Father is almighty God and who have adequate love and affection for me (Clerc and Leach, 2010). The God have the heart of forgiveness, means God forgive his childr en, while the children have done any wrong doing. For the wrong doing God forgive his children as the fathers use to forgive their children and any misdoing or wrongdoing (, 2016). For example, there are several people in the world, who do not believe in God and by their behavior hurt God. However, the God forgive the people, who are his children. There are people, who insult God, but God always forgives them as any father forgives his children at the time when they misbehave with him (Human, 2005). The forgiveness is one of the most common types of fatherly quality, which is adopted by God and as we are all the children of God the Father love us and forgive us for our wrongdoings. Besides this, it is also perceived that the father has the heart of compassion (McFarland, 2016). The God has sympathy to all his children, and when any of us fall in any misfortune, the God shows his compassion to him. In this way, the God has the same property like any father. The father always compassionate to his children and in any misfortune the father shows sympathy to his children (Putt, 2009). The God has the heart of a father and like any father God loves his children and equally affectionate to his children. Like any father the God forgive his children for any misdoing or wrongdoing (Harris, 2013). The God is compassionate to his children. Beside this, the God have a heart of mercy, like all the father God bear all the pain and provide mercy to us. Like Jesus Christ the Son of God who mercy his killer, who killed him brutally. All these provoke me and the God indeed have the heart of a father. Analysis The chapter The Father Heart of God determines the significance of Fatherhood that includes all the aspect of God including the motherly quality of God. Therefore, the subject shows the heart of God that includes the qualities of both feminine and masculine. It is a wonderful experience and happiest moment when a Father loves his children (Human, 2005). The author explains this as God expresses his love over his children. The author states that when a person is dead in his sins and uncircumcision of his sinful nature, then God made him alive with the Christ. God forgave all the sins and canceled all the written code with the regulations. The statement states that God wants to forgive each person. The author says that he fully received the forgiveness of his Father. The God is righteous, gracious and full of compassion, abounding in faithfulness and slow to anger. Father also give us love, faith and gracious in difficult times as explained by the author (Miller, 2011). The God is rich in mercy and mad us alive which means we should be grateful to him. The reflection of love, faith and mercy can be seen in the chapter. The explanation of author shows the real facts and the real world. One can understand from the chapter about the role of God and a Father in the life of a person. The heart of God is the heart of race, and he can make all the grace that is bound to them. In God, we had the redemption through blood, forgiveness of the blood and lavished all the understating and wisdom (Ruether, 2005). The heart of a Father is also like God that gives us everlasting love, kindness, and forgiveness. God expresses all his compassion like a Father does. The heart of mercy also explains the role of Father and God. In this chapter, the author explains the heart of mercy that explains that God shows mercy on their children. The person who is rich in wealth should not be arrogant rather than should put all their hope in the God, who gives us everything for enjoyment. God is the one who provides us all the comforts and provides us with everything (Sweet, 2006). The author has explained all his views and expression clearly about the heart of God and compared it with the heart of Father. God will judge the world and shows the right path as well as governing people with right justice. Therefore, God does the right things and forgive all the sins and also heals all the diseases. God wants to heal all the people and enabling them to enjoy with peace and security. In the following chapter, the authors explain the God's mercy, grace, love, and faithfulness towards its children. God gives us the right direction and shows what is right and wrong. Father also provides us the right path and shows what is wrong and right in life (Tracey, 2015). Reflection The book "THE FATHER HEART OF GOD" determines the fatherhood and also this nature of father is indicated as the heart of God. The nature and the duties of the father towards the father are to feed them with the daily bread. The nature of the father also helps in forgiving the trespassing of the trespassers against the family. It, therefore, leads to the temptation and henceforth it also lead to separation of the evils. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit also helps in recognizing the values that are created in the part of the father are thereby a part of the4 god's messenger, and thus they take care and protect us from all the evil deeds. This book also shows the importance and the major roles of defending their family from all the evils and henceforth the sin of the family can be made out with the creation of the love in them. With the creation of the reflection of the book, there are many things that are focused on me while going through the book. The first thing is the greatest challenge for me is to face them being the true ambassador of God. The second thing is that the struggle that will be faced by me will thereby provide poor testimony and the third thing is the specific actions that specific actions for calling me as the ambassador of the god and thus it also helps me to represent the heart of mine to the world. Thus the three reflections also help in the creation of the Father heart of loving the earth and thus the book also represents the proximity and henceforth the intimacy is also created by understanding the solutions, and thus it also helps in the intimacy of understanding the father heart. Later on while proceeding with the book, there are some more receiving of the father's love and thus the basic cry of the world also helps in the creation of the proximity and thus the imagination of the understanding of the father's heart seems to creating a special level of the imagination for the creation of understanding for the father's heart. The mission can also be accomplished by the enhancement of the solutions for the ambassadors and thus it helps me to have the ability to create differentiation between the god and the father. According to me the power of the Holy Spirit is seen in the part of the god that declaring the Holy Spirit and also it helps in receiving the assistance with providing the god love in the form of the father. The faithfulness is also created in the form of the father that also helps in providing the god's love in the form of the father. Thus the God is represented as the Spirit of expressing the spiritual truths as with the acceptance of the comparison of the spiritual faithfulness. Thus the reflection provided is according to the judgment of mine and henceforth "THE FATHER HEART OF GOD" is judged true to each and every extent. References Human, D. (2005). God accepts a broken spirit and a contrite heart - Thoughts on penitence, forgiveness and reconciliation in Psalm 51.VE, 26(1). Miller, R. (2011). The Heart of Light: God as Mystery.New Blackfriars, 92(1039), pp.358-376. Ruether, R. (2005). Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World: A Christian View.Buddhist-Christian Studies, 25(1), pp.29-40. Sweet, M. (2006). Jesus the World Protector: Eighteenth-Century Gelukpa Historians View "Christianity".Buddhist-Christian Studies, 26(1), pp.173-178. Tracey, L. (2015). Journey into the Heart of God: Living the Liturgical Year.Irish Theological Quarterly, 80(4), pp.366-367. al-TafÄ hum., Äâ‚ ¬. (1957). "SEEK FORGIVENESS OF GOD".Muslim World, The, 47(3), pp.239-247. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2016]. Clerc, O. and Leach, N. (2010).The gift of forgiveness. Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Press. Harris, M. (2013). God the Father in Vattimo's Interpretation of Christianity.Hey J, 54(5), pp.891-903. Human, D. (2005). God accepts a broken spirit and a contrite heart - Thoughts on penitence, forgiveness and reconciliation in Psalm 51.VE, 26(1). McFarland, I. (2016). God, the Father Almighty: ATheological Excursus.International Journal of Systematic Theology, 18(3), pp.259-273. Putt, B. (2009). Reconciling Pure Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Bringing John Caputo Into the Kingdom of God.CrossCurrents, 59(4), pp.500-531. (2016).Father Heart of God by Floyd McClung PDF Kindle Download - Gustavsvsa. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2016].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Innovations Planned and Unplanned

Introduction There has been substantial controversy on whether innovation is planned or unplanned. Both sides have attracted arguments supporting them, as well as arguments discrediting them.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Innovations: Planned and Unplanned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A careful examination of real life examples of how organizations come up with innovations reveals that innovations are both planned and unplanned. This is the case despite the fact that planned innovations occur more often than unplanned innovations. Both innovations have advantages and disadvantages that complement each other due to the differences in their origin. Unplanned innovation Unplanned innovations are innovations in which an organization discovers a new way of doing things in the course of its day-to-day activities. These innovations are not as common as the planned innovations because they are accidental per se. In most cases, they are discovered by a clever individual within an organization, who comes across or thinks of a new way of solving the problems of the organization. Although these innovations build upon existing knowledge, they have substantial originality and thus they qualify the organization for acquisition of copyrights. In some cases, the individual who comes up with these innovations is not even part of the organization (McNamara, 2010, p. 1). The individual may be a professional who has a passion for problem solving. After identifying a problem common with organizations, the individual may approach the organizations concerned and present his solutions. Advantages of unplanned innovations The greatest advantage of unplanned innovations is that they are substantially cheaper than their planned counterpart. This is especially the case if the person who comes up with the innovation is a member of the organizations’ staff. If the innovation is from an outsider, the process is also cheaper since it involves a single individual who can easily be recruited into the organization, or persuaded to sell the idea to the organization. Another advantage comes from the fact that unplanned innovations are more or less instantaneous. This is to mean that the innovations are not planned in advance and thus they do not take much of the organization’s time. Their implementation is thus time saving, and they do not have the risks associated with planned innovations. Additionally, unplanned innovations tend to be more successful than planned innovations since, for them to be adopted, their usefulness to the organization must be established. In other cases, the unplanned innovations actually lead to planned innovations since after an individual comes up with an idea, the organization may desire to perform systematic checks of the relevance of the innovation and even repeat most of the steps of innovation carried out during planned innovation.Advertising Look ing for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Disadvantages of unplanned innovations Unplanned innovations may prove to be disadvantageous to an organization in that it may lack the holistic coverage of issues of the organization. This is because an unplanned innovation is mostly the creation of an individual and thus the individual may overlook important aspects of the organization. This shortfall is minimized by customizing an innovation after its discovery in order to make it conform to the needs and circumstances of a particular organization. Another disadvantage is that unplanned innovations may be adopted inappropriately in cases where an organization adopts an innovation just because the innovation is available. This problem comes about because, as stated above, most unplanned innovations are instantaneous and thus an individual may come up with an innovation in an area that does not require change wi thin the organization (Knowles, 2002, p. 49). In such a case, the organization may face a reduction in its productive potential due to implementation of a new mediocre innovation. Planned innovation This is the most common form of innovation. In this type of innovation, organizations identify the need to have a strategic change in their operations and plan on how to come up with an innovation that will satisfy the need. Thus the innovation is participatory and it makes it easy for the organization to come up with an innovation that touches all aspects of the organization. In most cases, such an innovation is necessitated by competition from other organizations, and the organization may even be required to make use of prevailing ideas on how to offer services or make certain goods. In most cases, the innovation is planned and developed by the staff in the organization, but in other cases, the organization may opt to hire a consultant to come up with the problem-solving innovation (Gu y, 2010, p. 1). In both cases, the development of the innovation is consultative and thus it makes use of inputs from all stakeholders. Advantages of planned innovation Planned innovations are advantageous because they are developed as a response to a need in the organization. Therefore, almost all the planned innovations developed are utilized and have positive results. The positive results are even enhanced by the fact that, unlike unplanned innovations, planned innovations are focused and they have a holistic impact in the organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Innovations: Planned and Unplanned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another advantage is the fact that it is likely to increase the competitiveness of the organization than its unplanned counterpart. This is because planned innovations take into consideration the shortfalls the organization is experiencing and thus the innovation takes care of t hose shortfalls in the best way it can. For instance, if a company realizes that its rival is offering certain services that are making customers prefer the goods/services of the rival, the company can come up with a strategic innovation of providing other related services in order to gain a competitive edge (Anderson, 1992, p. 37). Therefore, planned innovations are more likely to increase the competitiveness of the organization than unplanned innovations. Disadvantages of planned innovations The greatest disadvantage of planned innovations is, perhaps, the high costs that are involved in developing them. For instance, if an organization decides to use its employees in the development of the innovation, the organization will spend money in wages, allowances, and also lose a considerable amount of time doing consultations. On the other hand, if an organization decides to hire a consultant, substantial amount of time will be spent while making consultations and the consultancy fee wi ll also be high. Another disadvantage is the fact that planned innovations may not come out as planned, and thus the efforts in developing a particular innovation may go down the drain. Conclusion As evidenced in the discussion above, innovation may be planned or unplanned. The effect that a specific innovation has on an organization will depend on the nature of the organization and the need for a change in its operations. As much as the two forms of innovation are important, planned innovation is more advantageous than unplanned innovation because it is more focused and it tailors solutions to fit the needs of the organization. Planned innovation is thus more common than its unplanned counterpart. Reference List Anderson, N. (1992). Organizational change and innovation: psychological  perspectives. New Jersey. Wadsworth Publishing. Guy, M. (2010). Planned and Unplanned Cultural change. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Knowles, H. (2002). Organizational leadership of planned and unplanned change. Journal of Management, Vol 1, pp. 23 – 79. McNamara, C. (2010). Organizational change and development. Retrieved from This essay on Innovations: Planned and Unplanned was written and submitted by user Tony Medina to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

six degrees of seperation essays

six degrees of seperation essays The Theatre department at Stony Brook University recently reenacted John Guare's play Six Degrees of Separation. These talented young actors and actresses did a truly fabulous job of presenting each of the individual characters and their personalities. Although there were a few minor mistakes along the way the play turned out to be quite funny, which was entirely unexpected and appreciated by the audience. Given the lack of budget that a state Universities theatre department has the lighting and prop design done for this play was wonderful. The furniture in the upscale apartment of Ouisa and Flan was both contemporary and elegant. So to the costume design was eloquent, simple, and highly representative of the time period. There were over 100 lighting cues in this production, which created a wonderfully enhanced mood. For example when Ouisa and Flan find out that Paul is gay and later when he is taken to jail before their arrival the lights dim to show their emotion. Again when Paul is sitting in Central Park with his two new friends Rick and Elizabeth the foliage cue is displayed on a white cloth-like wall behind them to represent the outdoors, these instances are just a few of which, that contributed to a well designed production. Certain mistakes are made by the actors during the course of the play that are minor but meaningful, such as Paul's and Ousia's inability to speak clearly, which is what these upper-class characters are noted for. The business on the stage needs to be carried out in an upper-class manor, and when Paul adds ice to his wineglass with the chilled wine already in it, this represents ignorance. Within the play the actors/actresses address the audience directly to give them information about upcoming events or to explain past scenes. This personalizes the play a great deal and makes the atmosphere in the theatre very warm and friendly. With a play like Six Degrees this per ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Public Health Care challenges with budget costs Essay

Public Health Care challenges with budget costs - Essay Example Most of the objectives of public health are difficult to meet due to insufficient funding. It is worth noting that the health of a community is dependent on an association formed between the public health sector and the curative sector. Over emphasis on one sector at the expense of the other pauses a major challenge. Public health is a wide field that covers numerous types of diseases. Public health services and activities not only cover prevention of communicable diseases but also lifestyle diseases. Several methods are used to achieve these goals. These methods include education, prevention modes such as vaccination and dietary methods, control of existing cases to reduce infection and elimination of the causative agents. All these activities require a thorough undertaking that requires numerous financial resources. The majority of public health administrators and personnel are unable to achieve their goals and objectives due to insufficient funding of the public health sector. In the United States, only three percent of the national spending goes towards public health services. This situation prevails in most countries worldwide despite the numerous complaints by the public health sector. Some of the factors that make it hard for the sector to source fund from governments include issues such as over emphasis on curative medicine as this appears to have more physical or case evidence. Another challenge in the public health sector in the funding process is that many countries are experiencing challenges balancing their budgets. It is a major challenge in the third world countries that do not have sufficient resources to spend as much as they would want to in the public health sectors. This strain is not only a challenge in the third world and developing nations but also in developed countries. For instance, the US is struggling to cover the deficit that has now stretched over the recent

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Internet Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet Article Analysis - Essay Example In the case of the two articles analyzed, both of them have focus on the first aspect mentioned above, the control of what happens in the environment. As we can see one of the articles is closely related to the Car Industry and the other to Telecommunication Industry. Both the Hybrids cars and the VOIP services are trends that are being consolidated in the market, and are opportunities as well. According to the article (Schoen 2006) that talks about "The future of the auto industry", U.S. sales of hybrid vehicles roughly doubled in 2005. And additionally, based on the hybrids cars sold have increased from less than 10,000 in 2000 to more than 200,000 in 2005, which means that is only about 1 percent of the roughly 17 million cars and light trucks sold overall. On the other side, based on what the article (Alexander 2006) "Forecast 2006: VoIP" talks, 2006 will be the year VoIP becomes widely adopted. "The big advance will come in corporations rather than the government sector," Wolfe predicts (CIO for the state of North Dakota). The facts mentioned made these two trends quite relevant to economics and managerial decision making. Managers can make immediate improvements in performance by better matching the firm's strategy to its business environment. As any manager should recognize, conditions change over time, so that strategies that are appropriate to today's business environment may be inappropriate in the future. 2. How economics influences the decisions made by those in charge The link between the decisions managers control and a firm's profitability is mediated by a host of economic relationships. The success of any strategy depends on whether the firm's decisions are compatible with these relationships. The most basic is the law of demand. The law of demand says that, all other things being the same, the lower the price of a product, the more consumers will purchase it. Whether the increase in the number of units sold translates into higher sales revenues depends on the strength of the relationship between price and the quantity purchased. This is measured by the price elasticity of demand. Price-elastic demand implies that a price cut translates not only into higher unit sales, but also into higher sales revenue. That firm's higher sales revenue translates into higher profit depends on economic relationship between the additional sales revenue that a firm's price cut generated and the additional cost of producing more products. That profits rise rapidly after the price reduction suggests that the additional sales revenue far exceeded the additional cost of production. Applying the economic analysis of strategy to what the article of Auto Industry informs, the added cost of a hybrid compared to a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle makes these cars to follow a premium price,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Implementing Strategy and Managing Change Essay - 1

Implementing Strategy and Managing Change - Essay Example In case it does not, then there is a need to undertake strategic thinking and action that could channels it into constructive and positive changes, designed for common good. Besides, â€Å"as the operating environment ways, over time, it is important that we take stock at regular intervals† (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service: Risk Management Plan: 2008-11, P.4). In the context of the UK Fire Force Department, it keeps confronting challenges, both big and small, seemingly insurmountable or mundane occurrences. Each day presents a new challenge- for life and survival for the safety and well being of the citizens of this country and to safeguard properties both public as well as private. There are, to be enforced, â€Å"additional responsibilities including fire safety enforcement, emergency planning and ensuring that the work of the fire and rescue service is efficient, effective and providing value for money† (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Performance Report and Ac tion Plan 2009 : incorporating Emergency Cover Review, P.3). There are two important aspects that underpin strategic management and change. These are accountability and performance. However, accountability needs to be assessed and modulated to address the current requirements and also needs to be a continuous process designed to ensure that all responsible personnel know their roles and responsibilities. According they must work towards achieving pre determined levels of performance. â€Å"Continual assessment of practice is at the forefront of developing policies and processes to assist the modernisation of public services. This unit seeks to identify the key stakeholders within organisations with regard to managing constant change. In addition, monitoring change and evaluating suitable training is also assessed. How such change influences the organisation is also developed† (Implementing Strategy & Managing Change: Module Handbook: University Centre at Blackburn College). N eed for Implementing Strategy and Managing Change There are many reasons why strategic change needs to be enforced - it could be due to changing market conditions, entry of newer and stronger competitors, internal and external management issues and also the need to evolve and adopt to changing business environments. Besides, there also exists the need to address challenges in performance and accountability at the micro and macro levels. However, all major challenges encountered by the organization have the support and leadership of top management and the Board of Directors, apart from stakeholder commitments. â€Å"The Corporate Management team (CMT) offers strong leadership and has the confidence and support of both staff and elected members. There is a real sense of ownership and pride amongst staff in driving forward service improvements† (Performance Report 2004-2007 and Integrated Risk Management Plan 2007-2010, P.28). Performance of London Fire Brigade: Coming to the as pects of the London Fire Brigade, it is indeed a strong and unified fire and disaster fighting unit and they are also empowered to seek novel strategies and articulate them to improve their performance in terms of containing fire accidents and lesser loss of lives over the years of their outstanding exemplary performance. Today, Fire fighting services could aptly boast of being a strong and efficient unit, fully equipped and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Crafting A Companys Strategy Business Essay

Crafting A Companys Strategy Business Essay To compete in the globalized business, company requires strategic planning and strategic thinking and by crafting good corporate strategic they can become strategically competitive. A companys strategy is a master plan of the company which entails that how the company would able to achieve its vision and objective. Strategy is a significant planning as it is universal with respect to the whole organization (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Strategies involve managers at all organization level in which senior executives plays a vital role in the strategic- making process. The CEO (chief executive officers) is responsible for the chief strategy maker, chief strategy implementer and the chief direction setter and holds the responsibility of leading the strategy -making, strategy- executing process. In some organization, the owner of the organization or CEO personally decides the key elements of the strategy and performs function as a strategic visionary and other managers may assist with the help of collecting and analyzing the companys data. At the same time, CEO may also inquire advice from the senior managers and tenure and important employees in order to design overall strategy. Steve Job, CEO of Apple is an apt example of the corporate CEO who plays major role in the shaping their companys strategy. In most of the company, other senior executives and managers have influential role in strategic decision making such as the chief financial officers, the vice president for the respective departments i.e. the marking, production, finance, human resources etc. Strategy making process enrolls by different approaches the delegation approach, the chief architect approach, the corporate entrepreneur approach and the team approach (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Crafting strategy functions is very vital for the company because it incorporates changing competitive environment, minimizes competitive disadvantage and also provides better understanding of the external environment. It focuses on the objectives, goal, vision and mission of the company. It enhances the process of motivation and strength of decision making. It provides a base so that the actions can be implemented properly and accurately. Therefore, crafting a companys strategy is really job for senior executive and the companys board of director (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Question: 2 What would your reaction be if your employer required you to sign a statement annually certifying that you have complied with the companys code of ethics? Code of Ethics is standard guidelines which are designed to set up the acceptable behaviors from the employees. To enforce high standard of ethical behavior, employers approaches many practices such as provides mandatory training, encourage compliance and establish tough consequences for unethical behavior, appointing committee of senior employees or the employees who are champions of high ethical standard in order to work for heading up companys ethics enforcement process or signing up of the declaration statement. In which, signing up the declaration statement is very effective and highly implemented practice used in the organization with respect to the ethical codes. In this process, employers asked to employees to sign a statement which certifies that employees are complied with the companys code of ethics. Different employee has different reaction toward the code of ethics or toward this process in accordance to their perception, their view, their priority of the work and their understanding about the code of ethics (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Code of ethics follows the policy with respect to internally and externally environment of the company and hence delivers more values to the company as well as to the employees. If I would ask to sign up the declaration statement which inbounded with the code of ethics of the company I would try to have better understanding of every code and their needs in my work. I would try that business code of ethics does not contradicts with my personal values and ethics and would try to enhance my skills and work based on the ethics. After getting deep understanding of the ethics I would signed up the ethics annually and try to implements in my professional and personal life (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Code of ethics is very beneficial not only for the organization but also for the personal life therefore, signing up is not important but implementation is also important (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Short note on five phase of Strategy Executing Process The managerial process of crafting and executing a companys strategy consisits of five integrated and interrelated phase consists of developing a strategic vision, setting of objectives, crafting a strategy in order to achieve the vision and objective of the company, executing and implementing the strategy in the organization and monitoring developments, evaluating performances and making corrective adjustments. All five stages are interrelated and interconnected and very vital for any organization to achieve the vision of the company (figure 1) (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy). Figure : Five phases of strategy executing strategy Source: (Chapter 2: leading the Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy) Developing a strategic vision: The initial phase of executing strategy phase is to develop a strategic vision in which company required to set vision of the company that what will be the future in terms of market, product, technology or customer. This steps provides long term direction to work with a sense of action to be executed and it also communicates management aspirants to the stakeholders. Setting objectives: The second stage proceeds with setting of the objective, the strategic objectives and the financial objectives. Setting objectives entails that how much, when and by what kind of performance is expected for the company. For measuring the company performance a balance scorecard approach is used. Crafting a strategy to achieve the objectives and vision: After setting the vision and objective of the company the important step is to crafting a strategy in order to achieve the set vision and objective. Crafting strategy deals with the internal and external environment of the organization. This process is a part of the team work while in some organization this is a job of senior executives and CEO of the company. The strategy is a collection of the strategic actions, principles and business approach of the organization. Implementing and executing the strategy: Crafting a strategy is an important step to move forward for achieving the vision of the company but its not effective without the implementation and execution in every department respectively. It consists of several processes to make employee to implement the strategy for this exerts the effective leadership to keep the process forward and enhancing. Monitoring developments, evaluating performances and making corrective adjustments. Crafting and implementing the strategy is not one time process. It should continues and adjustable in accordance with the changing market and competitive environment. To capture the new opportunity and to compete globally strategy required modifying and enhancing the performance. Therefore, put constructive pressure on company to achieve fruitful results, make approaches to promoting innovation, stimulate corporate interpreneruship, push corrective actions to improve the process od strategy making and strategy execution process. Display ethical leadership and lead social responsibility initiatives.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Philosophy of Education :: Philosophy of Teaching Statement

Philosophy of Education I knew at an early age that I wanted to be a teacher. As a child, my friends and cousins always played school and of course I always had to be the teacher! We had a cinderblock building that we called the "playhouse" and this is where my teaching career began. We would play for hours doing reading, spelling and writing. I always loved to grade the papers. And most of all I had strict behavior rules. Throughout life, even though my teaching career has been on hold, I have worked in various atmospheres with children from babysitting to different types of leadership roles. Mostly being a youth leader in our church has had a lot of various types of teaching skills. Keeping children's motivation level and interest is a difficult task. I have worked with all different ages from preschool through the sixth grade. I truly believe that sometimes a teacher is the most important role a child comes across. The impact that a teacher makes will last a life time. My elementary experiences were wonderful years that I feel have made me into the person I am today, especially my second grade teacher, Ms. Fezer. She was the greatest teacher of all times. She not only had love for her students but compassion to want them to learn and made sure they that they understood the material. She made learning fun and always had a wonderful smile. I hope to run a classroom in the manner that she did. Another great teacher that stands out is my dad. He is a retired sixth grade teacher. He was very strict, but all the children loved him. He made sure that they were ready for seventh grade. Along with teaching respect and manners and he never failed to help any child in need. These children, now grown up still make a point to speak to him when they see him out. Some even thank him for being so strict and making them work hard that they have told him it sure did pay off later on down the road. As a father, he's the greatest and always willing to help .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Follow your Dreams

Most important factor in anyone's life. If you really want to fulfill your dreams then surround yourself with positive successful people who believe in your dreams. Common fact, whatever we get for an intake, we try to make our self regarding an environment. Some of us can be think totally out of the box but what about others? This thing would happen with most of us. It is very important to know that What is our aim, What is our values in our own life because we mostly tried to listen random options from others.Lets give you my own example. When I turned 25, There is something make me think what I actually want in my life and why I am here as a Human. Being human is much better than human being. To earn a handsome salary is the only motto of my Life†¦ (laugh) My aim was constantly blow regarding an outer Winds. Sometimes it works, many times it doesn't. But one day, I remember very clearly I found something special which really turns my whole entire life. It was not a Special Qu ote or big counseling it was Just a ‘Broacher' for Mass CommunicationCollege in Pune. But many hesitations came across in my mind. It seems so many hurdles like how would I get enroll in that college. Is my choose is right or not blaa, blaa.. But one thing was very clear and that is whatever hilarious situation may be came across my way.. but I will never ever see back again. I made something so clear that† Writing† is the only thing which I Born for!! Then What BINGO!! Days were passed and today is the day where you all reading my penning, my own sketched career.While having walk in my desirable career I get some auspicious persons whose suggestions, attentions, even scolding words made my skills so stronger. It is been said that if you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time. Have something to aim for, a dream that you hold close dream is not Just mean to fulfill your dream. Joseph Murphy penned down a beautiful quotes in his world famous book ‘The unco nscious mind' that everyone get what they actually want, Just need to be transfer it in your nconscious mind that you are fulfilling everything what you exactly want.Everyone must think at once, Who you are and what you actually want? No matters whether you want to become Chef, Artists, Manager or even Writer. Simplify and identify your own way and go for a walk in your own path. Believe in yourself. Try to be an optimist in every sovereign situations. Try to introduce yourself a more powerful individual in this small Cosmos. Be like a Labor . And show your liability our laborite that you are not Just something but you are everything in your life.I Choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to be useful not used, to be excel not compete, I choose self- esteem not self pity, I choose to listen my inner voice, not the random options for others. And the bottom line is We are only responsible for our own Happiness. So go and get ready to make your own master piece because today is a perfect day to start living your dreams. Dreams don't work unless you do. Best Luck!!!!! Follow your Dreams By monicanagdeote

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Email Marketing Calendar Template You Need to Get Organized

The Email Marketing Calendar Template You Need to Get Organized You know how hard it is to keep your email marketing schedule organized. Right now, you’re operating under the assumption that something is going to go wrong because your email workflow is (to put it bluntly) a mess. But, it doesn’t have to be. Using an email marketing calendar will help you: Keep track of every email in a campaign. Organize your email lists. Meet your deadlines. Find the content that’s associated with specific emails. And more. So keep reading, and download your email marketing calendar template to go from managing a chaotic mess to sending emails stress-free. The Best Email Calendar Template You Need to Manage Marketing Newsletters via @Download Your Email Marketing Calendar Template Make it easy on yourself and download your free email marketing calendar template. This easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet will give you and your email marketing team the bird’s eye view you need to keep every email campaign you send organized. Get your free #email #marketing calendar template from @... Or Plan and Execute ALL Your Newsletters With With Email Marketing from , you can: Seamlessly integrate with your *favorite* email marketing platform. You already have a kick-a$$ email platform you know and love, so why give it up? With Email Marketing, you can easily connect your preferred email platform to with just a couple clicks. Write click-worthy email subject lines...every time.  With Email Marketing, you can use ’s *exclusive* Email Subject Line Tester to optimize and perfect every subject line to drive more  opens, more  clicks, and more conversions. Get full visibility into your ENTIRE  marketing strategy. Say â€Å"buh-bye† to disjointed marketing content (and constantly jumping from screen to screen). With Email Marketing, it’s easy to see how your email campaigns relate to the rest of your marketing strategy and quickly make adjustments if necessary. With Email Marketing, you can easily connect your preferred email platform: MailChimp Campaign Monitor Constant Contact ActiveCampaign See how it works here. Or, if you're ready to try it yourself, snag a free trial or schedule a demo. Why Is Email Marketing Important For Your Business? Is email marketing really worth the effort? It is. For B2B marketers, email is considered the third most influential source of information, and 77% of B2C customers  prefer to get permission-based promotional messages via email. Email allows you to connect with your audience, and with the addition of email automation tools, you can create personalized content that reaches their inboxes at the right time  for them. Not to mention, email allows you to keep your organization at the forefront of your customers’ minds. Why? Because we’re in our email inboxes in all the time. In North America alone, 44% of people  check their inbox at least one to three times in a day. Your audience will see your messages whenever they log in. If your emails are timed correctly, you can also guide your audience members through your marketing funnel and convince them to convert. A few more reasons why email marketing should be a part of your overall marketing strategy: Guaranteed delivery:  Your audience has opted in to hear messages from you, use that. Drives more conversions:  Emails drive 6x as many conversions than a single tweet. Your audience is ready to hear about your product instead of casually scrolling through a feed. More ROI:  Email generates a $38 for every $1 spent.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Vermonts civil union law essays

Vermont's civil union law essays Vermonts civil union law would be good for the country in a number of ways, some of which are not so much ethical, but moral. Allowing a man to be united with another man, or a woman with another woman will not signify the end of society. Will it bring about changes? Absolutely! That is what this entire argument is all about; change. Change is unpopular. It tears at the glass walls of our individual paradigms, creates chaos and uncertainty amongst some individuals, and puts almost everyone in a state of uneasiness. But change always occurs! Could we have come this far as a society without change? Technology, medical science, education, and our abilities as humans are pushed to new boundaries each and every day. This would not be possible without change. Most of us tell our children its not nice to say derogatory remarks concerning a persons race, sex, or religious preference. We educate our children that they must be open-minded and that god gave them a brain that is capable of doing and creating such wonderful things. We tell them how smart they are (or will be) and how their education and life experiences or exposures are so much greater than ours. Then we force our old values upon them...........just the way our parents did to us, and their parents did to them. Maybe women shouldnt have the right to vote? Maybe no person should be entitled to hold land or any property; everything should belong to the state? Maybe marriage outside ones own race should be outlawed? Maybe blacks should go back into slavery? Would society have been a better place if change hadnt occurred? Should we vote to go back to the way it was? How many of us would want to do that? When all these issues were at large, there was similar sentiment about them as there is about same sex coupling. Some were for it, others were against it. I believe in allowing same sex marriages. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

LEB1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LEB1 - Essay Example Breyer stated that â€Å"a judges job is to figure out how the Founding Fathers values apply to modern issues.† (CBS News 2011). In the United States our courtrooms operate under the adversary system. The finder of fact (the person or persons who decide which facts are the true facts) can be a judge or a jury. When the fact finder is a jury, the individual members of the jury, known as jurors, collectively decide the true facts. (Find Law 2011). The standard of proof is different in criminal and civil cases. In a civil case the jury assesses the facts according to what they believe is â€Å"more probably true than not.† This has been compared to just going over the 50 yard line in football. In criminal cases jurors must be convinced that the facts are true â€Å"beyond a reasonable doubt.† The jurors must be representative of the community in which the trial is being conducted. (Find Law 2011). â€Å"At the beginning of the trial, the judge may order that more jurors be seated than are required for the verdict. These extra jurors are known as alternate jurors, and they are selected to guard against the possibility that some of the jurors will become ill or otherwise be unable to complete the trial. An alternate would attend the trial along with the regular jurors, but would not be called to participate in reaching a verdict unless one of the regular jurors was unable to continue. †¦ it is important for alternate jurors to always pay attention to testimony because they may be required to participate in the verdict should another juror be unable to complete his or her service.† (Find Law 2011). Lawyers are the link between our legal system and the society that legal system affects. The legal system affects society in almost everything the people in our society may do. For this reason lawyers are held to the highest

Friday, November 1, 2019

Why executive compensation is out of control Essay

Why executive compensation is out of control - Essay Example Many investors in the stock market all over the world believe that executive pay is running out of control. There is worrying trend especially in the United States where the annual salary of an average worker is the amount of money an executive receives in a day. Critics believe that executive bosses are not worth the amount of compensation they receive. Despite falling stock shares in the market, executives still receive large amounts of compensation. Stock market investors believe this should not be happening since their performance does not correspond to earnings. At a moment where recession and unemployment is high in many countries, it does not make economic sense to have executive bosses receive such a large amount of compensation. The excess pay awarded to them should instead be invested in the public sector and this consequently shows how executive bosses have little concern about their countries and the citizens. Economists believe that in order to clear the economic instability being experienced in the world currently, it is important that the pay of executives be tied to performance (Bebchuck, 2010). Most executive bosses control their board of directors hence they still manage to earn exaggerated compensation. The board of directors should however be able to control the compensation got by this executives and their compensation should be tied to performance instead of the power an executive has in the board. This shows how corporate governance is continuously being under rated with a show of little economic sense when just a few people are left to joke around with investor’s interests. The fact that executive compensation is determined by market demand, most executives are continuously receiving an exaggerated compensation in comparison to an average worker. Critics believe that the market forces such as demand and supply should not entirely determine their compensation and it should however

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Film philosophy about the Butler Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Film philosophy about the Butler - Assignment Example ttingly and subtly nudged the course of American history through the tumultuous years of reform, contributing an equal importance to the Black American cause. The main point of the film is the Black Africans’ struggle for equality in America. It is not unlike the classic story of the American Dream as told in countless materials such as Forrest Gump. This particular American Dream was told from the Black American’s perspective and the experiences in Civil Rights Movement. This inevitably included that tragedy and sorrow of being Black man in modern America particularly before the Civil Rights movement with the segregation of the colored and the whites and immediately after as America was confronted by racial and relevant issues both at home and abroad. This key point is palpable across the entire film. As Gaines’s life progressed, so did the lives of African American. These transpired in a succession of flashbacks in the protagonist’s mind as he was waiting to meet the newly elected Black President. For this reason, the film was heavily structured in order to seamlessly integrate the phases of the Gainesâ€℠¢ life with the chronology of the American Civil Rights movement and the American contemporary political developments. The challenge of achieving this feat without digressing from the protagonist’s narrative was achieved through stylistic interplay of shots. In some parts of the film, bracketing was also used to carry on the narrative of Cecil Gaines and his familys life as the director integrated civil rights stories such as boycotts. These shots made use of a play of lighting, close-ups (like they were actually before the audience), the use of elements such as mirror and the flicker of television display as reflected on the face of the actors, among others. This approach was important especially in narrating the chronology of the Civil Rights movement without veering away from the logical sequence of Cecil Gaines’ narrative. There was also the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Vocational Education and Training Needs Analysis Essay Example for Free

Vocational Education and Training Needs Analysis Essay Training methods used to stimulate learning can be classified in three ways, one of which is †¢ CONFERENCES †¢ LECTURES †¢ ON-THE-JOB TRAINING †¢ INTELLIGENT TUTORING 2. In evaluating training programs, it is important to distinguish _____ from data-collection methods. †¢ ORGANIZATIONAL PAYOFFS †¢ COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS †¢ INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION †¢ TARGETS OF EVALUATION 3. The evaluation phase is one phase of the process for effective training to occur. Which of the following IS NOT A PART OF THE EVALUATION PHASE? †¢ SELECT TRAINING MEDIA †¢ DEVELOP CRITERIA †¢ PRETEST TRAINEES †¢ MONITOR TRAINING 4. _____ analysis is helpful in determining the special needs of a particular group, such as older workers, WOMEN, OR MANAGERS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS. †¢ INDIVIDUAL †¢ ORGANIZATION †¢ DEMOGRAPHIC †¢ OPERATIONS 5. Which of the following is an example of an on-the-job training method? †¢ UNDERSTUDY ASSIGNMENTS †¢ ROLE PLAYING †¢ INTELLIGENT TUTORING †¢ CASE METHOD 6. Which of the following is an example of the simulation method of training? †¢ JOB ROTATION †¢ ORIENTATION †¢ CORRESPONDENCE COURSES †¢ IN-BASKET 7. The level of training needs analysis that attempts to identify the content of the training is _____ ANALYSIS. †¢ ENVIRONMENTAL †¢ OPERATIONS †¢ ORGANIZATIONAL †¢ INDIVIDUAL 8. _____ refers to the material that is rich in association for the trainees and is therefore easily UNDERSTOOD BY THEM. †¢ PYGMALION EFFECT †¢ TRAINING PARADOX †¢ ORIENTATION †¢ MEANINGFULNESS 9. Which theory is founded on the premise that an individual’s intentions regulate his or her behavior? †¢ CORRESPONDENT INFERENCE THEORY †¢ GOAL THEORY †¢ GROUNDED THEORY †¢ ATTRIBUTION THEORY 10. The impact of training on _____ is the most significant, but it is the most difficult effect to DEMONSTRATE. †¢ ORGANIZATIONAL RESULTS †¢ DEMOGRAPHICS †¢ ACTION LEARNING †¢ TRAINEE SELF-ESTEEM 11. When trainees are given the opportunity to practice far beyond the point where they have performed a TASK CORRECTLY SEVERAL TIMES, THE TASK BECOMES SECOND NATURE AND IS †¢ OVERLEARNED †¢ IRRELEVANT †¢ REPETITIVE †¢ BORING 12. The level of training needs analysis that focuses on identifying whether training supports the COMPANY’S STRATEGIC DIRECTION IS CALLED _____ ANALYSIS. †¢ OPERATIONS †¢ INDIVIDUAL †¢ ENVIRONMENTAL †¢ ORGANIZATION View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Vocational education, Training, Practice, Skill RELATED DOCUMENTS Vocational Education and Training THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN VOCATIONAL ASPECTS TO SCHOOLING IN AUSTRALIA. HOWEVER, IN RECENT TIMES THERE HAS BEEN AN INCREASED EMPHASIS ON THIS ASPECT OF SCHOOLING WITHIN BOTH THE GENERAL CURRICULUM AND THOSE AREAS THAT HAVE A PARTICULAR VOCATIONAL FLAVOUR. IN WHAT WAYS DOES THIS EMPHASIS PROVIDE A BROADER OR NARROWER CONCEPTION OF EDUCTION FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS? YOUR RESPONSE NEEDS TO REFER TO: (I) THE AIMS OF THE ? NEW VOCATIONALISM AND HOW IT IS 297   Words | 7   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS ? Training Needs Analysis and Skills Audit Easy seven step plan – covers: Who received training in your organisation last year? Does anyoneneed a refresher course? What about your staff’s career aspirations – do you know their capabilities? Step 1 How should I consult? It is recommended that employers consult with all staff on an annual basis to assess organisational training and development 297   Words | 6   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Training Needs Analysis Library Get Custom Help eBook Library About BrainMass Expert Profiles Blog Free Quizzes Videos Business  » Management  » Problem #416292 sample solutions faq Case Study: Training Needs Analysis Case ALL IT TAKES IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING In 1987, Ms. Dillman was hired by IMP to work in Hangar 3 at North American International Airport as a seamstress in their fabric shop. 297   Words | 4   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Training Development Need Analysis

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dow Chemical Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Dow Chemical Topic: â€Å"Dow Chemicals† I decided to construct my essay on Dow Chemicals (DC) Company after reading an article in Business Week. Dow Chemical appears to be developing an aggressive market strategy that aligns with our class topics, and that I have found very interesting. Dow Chemical (DC) company, over the last seven years has built their strategy around and focused on their â€Å"niche†, which is core chemicals & plastics-manufacturing operations, while simultaneously reducing infrastructure debt, expanding its market share, and apparently building new strategic alliances. According to Dow Chemical CEO William Stavropoulos, The mission and goals of Dow Chemical company is to be a world leader in chemical and plastics manufacturing by developing new customer demand product lines and expanding long-term profitability through global market expansion in such global markets as Europe and Asia. If Dow Chemicals currently owned assets did not align with and support this mission strategy, they were divested. Dow Chemicals has evidenced this by selling off more than $10 billion in business assets, while at the same time adding $10 billion in new business that support their new strategy, and the strategic addition of the Union Carbide Company. To develop Dow Chemicals new strategy, which is to say to develop a competitive advantage within their selected market, Dow Chemical appears to have thoroughly examined their role in the macroenvironment, which also encompasses the political/legal, technological, demographic, social, and macroenvironments elements. In analyzing their macroenvironment they would have considered such items as the current economy interest rates, currency exchange rates, and inflation rates, which could impact the customer demand for their products, as well as acting on other environmental factors such as: a) Technology: Through their advanced research and development of unique and new innovative products, they easily heighten the of barriers to entry for competitors. b) Social: Performing research on current and future trends for healthier and safer products. c) Demographic: Considered the age and education levels of surrounding manufacturing plants. Skilled workers directly impact production capacity. d) Political & legal: What rules and regulations are in place, what is the state of the governm... ... a) Potential competitors: This area represents a threat to profitability, which can be combated by raising the barriers to entry/exit costs, brand loyalty, absolute cost advantages, economies of scale, and possibly through the development of superior reputation influence and enjoy protection from local governments. b) Rivalry: Monitor the competitive structure of the consolidated industry, which could affect market share, and even start price wars, which could be costly. Monitor demand trends, which could call for market expansion or retraction, and finally monitor exit barriers, which be a deterrent for potential entrants. c) Power of Buyers: Monitor supplier industries, when there are many suppliers, buyers can dominate a bargaining position, and thereby generate cost savings. Consolidate purchases with Union Carbide to maximize a combined buying power position. d) Power of Suppliers: Monitor supplier markets for new supplier entrants or potential suitable substitutes. e) Substitute products: Monitor the market for suitable substitutes for your manufactured product, which could negatively impact your market share.